Time to get back to running. I haven't done any significant running in about 3 weeks so my legs could heal. I joined Planet Fitness so I could do some leg strengthening and low-impact cardio workouts. Now I'm ready to give running another go. I'm going to take a lighter approach this time around and not think about how fast I can finish a half but instead focus on how fast I can finish WITHOUT injury! So, I got Jeff Galloway's Half-Marathon - You Can Do It book and started with the beginner program last night. I have my sights on a Half this October.
Just to recap. Last year, from Jan-Apr I trained for a Half-marathon using Hal Higdon's training guide. I ran, and finished, the Garden Spot Village Half Marathon in April, but not without injury. My shins were just worn out and overused. I couldn't run for about 3 weeks. I then ran my first 5K in Crystal City in July, which was fun, but slightly painful. Running then became something I tried to do 2-3 times a week, but my shins just wouldn't heal. I totally DNF'd a 10K in October then essentially put my running shoes away.
That brings us, or really just me, to the present. As I mentioned, I started the beginner Run-Walk-Run(TM) program. I haven't done a time trial yet, so last night I went with a 9:30 mile. Using the handy chart provided in the book, this means I was to run 4 minutes and walk 1 for 30 minutes.
Workout: Week 1, workout 1, 30 min run
Time: 30:00
Distance: 2.86
Ratio: 4:1
Some of my concerns:
Once I get into (better) shape, do I continue to do the Run-Walk method?
I'm thinking yes to avoid further injury, or re-injuring my lower legs.
The training program is 38 weeks long. The 35th week is the Half Marathon week.
Each week there are two 30 min runs then one long run. Through the entire training it is like this. This differs from Higdon's method, where the weekday runs were increased in length as time went on. My other concern is that week 33 has me doing a 14 mile long run. Before my longest long run was 10 miles. I guess I just need to learn pacing?
I look forward to my trial on Wednesday... Until then...
I'm going to keep this blog updated, as suggested by Galloway's back so I can look back on it and learn from past experiences.