today's workout 10/30
I'm going to have a 45 minute workout today. Starting out with some light squats (no weight 1x5; bar only 1x5) to warm up then get right into it.
squat 115lbs 5x5
bench 95lbs 5x5
barbell row 95lbs 5x5
remaining time to filled in with time on the treadmill. I'm thinking about adding in some calf/shin accessory work soon, if time permits.
This morning I weighed in at 217.8 which is exactly where I want to be. My goal is to keep my weight between 210 and 220.
I've got my eye on a turkey trot 5K and family fun walk (1.2 miles) which is on Saturday, Nov. 30th. (
Current stats(10/30):
weight: 217.8
Squat: 110
Bench: 85
DL: 145
OHP: 90
weight: 217.8
Squat: 110
Bench: 85
DL: 145
OHP: 90