Sunday, May 4, 2014

progress report

where I currently stand with respect to my 5 core lifts.
Weighed in on Friday at 214.8 lbs.

Still increasing by 5 lbs at each workout.
Last 3 workouts:
4/30: 265x3x5
4/25: 260x3x5
4/21: 255x3x5

Bench press:
I think it's time to deload by 20% on the bench. I need to really work on my form (keeping my shoulders back, keep my entire body tight with my feet planted on the floor).
Last 3 workouts:
4/30: 185x1x5; 185x2x4
4/25: 185x1x5; 185x1x4; 185x1x3
4/21: 185x1x4; 185x2x4
So, while I was making progress with actual reps completed, I still think it'd be beneficial to bring the weight down a bit and concentrate on form.

Still increasing by 10 lbs at each workout.
Last 3:
4/30: 315x1x5
4/25: 305x1x5
4/21: 295x1x5

Overhead press:
Last 3:
4/28: 120x1x4; 120x2x2
4/23: 120x3x3
4/16: 115x3x5
I have one more try at 120 for 5 reps.

Barbell Bent-over row
I pretty much restarted this exercise to establish different form, doing the pendlay row technique (body at 90 degree angle so once I reach 135lbs it's almost like a deadlift).
last 3:
4/28: 110x3x5
4/23: 105x3x5
4/16: 100x3x5